Crowing at 3 weeks?


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2016
Crowing? CROWING?! How is this possible? This little Campine was supposed to be a pullet, but man oh man, I think I've got a baby roo here. And this morning? He woke us up with what sounded like a cute little crow.

What am I gonna do? Can't keep cute Campine roosters in Denver. Please tell me this is not crowing. That's supposed to happen at 4-5 months, right?

(and please don't judge the background. They are in our basement, not our kitchen. : ) )

I thought I saw a pretty big, red comb? If so, I'm thinking roo. Sorry
Watched your video but I didn't even need to wait for the crowing with that big red comb, is a Roo.... He is young to start crowing
OMG, that's so incredibly cute! No, pullets do not crow like that. You have yourself a cockerel, all right!

I recently had a chick crow at six weeks, and I thought it was pretty young. He was a cockerel, too. No doubt. He was supposed to be a hatchery-sexed pullet.

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