Crowing at the moon


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 24, 2012
Northeastern Plains of Colorado
Anyone else have Roos baying at the moon?
The past two nights have proven to be very interesting. The extremely bright full moon has both my BA and EE Roos crowing all night. Except for a couple of short periods when it was hidden from their view by the trees and cloud cover. Yes, they are inside their coop, but they have 3 large windows, Regretfully my bedroom windows face them. This is when I am grateful that the closest neighbor is a mile down the road

Mick BA
Mack EE
Yah, on the super-bright full moon nights, my roosters will crow. I THINK they are responding to a distant rooster which may not be in a coop; I step outside to listen and look for predators and I can hear the faraway roo.

They've held crow-fests before, during the day, competing with that distant rooster.

Mine also used to crow when I turned the bathroom light on during the night.... So I put "flameless candles" on timers in the bathroom so I didn't need to turn on the light. Nice ambiance and the roosters didn't get triggered into crowing when I went potty during the night.

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