Crushed egg day 18...Fingers crossed!


6 Years
Jul 19, 2015
North Central Florida
I went out to the coop to candle my bantam eggs one last time and discovered one has been crushed. I last candled them five days ago so I don't know how long it has been like that. I brought it inside to get a better look before throwing it away. It's crushed pretty bad, and I know it was one of my dumb RIR hens that pushes the sebright out to lay in that box every day even though she has four others to use. Ugh! Anyway, the baby is still alive! I wrapped the egg in plastic wrap (can't find the tape) leaving a small open area on the air cell end and put it in my incubator. My hopes are not high and I am wondering if I should just euthanize it. It's so close to hatch, though...

There is a very small part of the outer membrane exposed, but no tears and the air cell and blood vessels look good. I was hoping there would be an internal pip already (it is a bantam, after all), but no luck. Fingers crossed :(

I would not terminate it. You can use a little candle wax on the larger cracks to hold it together better, then put the wrap back on it. Best of luck and fingers crossed!
Good suggestion, I didn't think of wax. I may have a candle around here somewhere. I didn't think tape would work very good anyway with the way it is crushed inward a bit. Wax is a better bet. Thanks!
I disagree. Wax (depending on what kind,) is better for smaller cracks IMO. Tape would serve it better, especially at hatch time.
Thanks for replying. I didn't put any wax yet because I was nervous about the exposed membrane portions.

I just checked and she or he is hanging in there. I wish this had happened closer to day 21 :(

I've seen a lot of people say that bantams hatch early, but maybe that is only in the incubator.
Thanks for replying. I didn't put any wax yet because I was nervous about the exposed membrane portions.

I just checked and she or he is hanging in there. I wish this had happened closer to day 21 :(

I've seen a lot of people say that bantams hatch early, but maybe that is only in the incubator.
Bantams can and do hatch early, but not always. I hatched out silkies a couple months ago and I was candling them prior to lockdown and for the first time in my life I dropped an egg!! It rolled down the front of me but hit the base of my fan when it landed and broke the backside, but didn't break the membrane thankfully. I taped it around the back and put it back in. I was happy when it internally pipped but was keeping an eye on it because I figured it would need help hatching with the tape, and not only did it hatch, but it hatched w/out help! I was surprised. They are rugged little things.
Well, surprisingly she or he is still alive and kicking this morning. I estimate over 50% of the shell is crushed. I am glad I found it in time! I'm not sure what to do about humidity, though. The eggs in the incubator are not due until Monday so I don't want to raise the humidity yet and compromise those eggs. I do have the egg situated in a way that it is not being turned, though.
She is internally pipped and chirped back at me

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