cuckoo maran vs barred roc


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 16, 2014
ok so i have 11 hens 5 rir 6 br. i got them from a hatchery. one egg every day is very very dark compares to the rest and i always wondered why this was well tonight i was searching around online and happened to read something about how cuckoo marans are known for theyre dark eggs. i looked up a photo and they look very similar to barred rock in my it possible i have a cuckoo maran amongst my flock?
It is possible. the differences are small, but they are visible.

Marans have white legs [pink], and might have some slight feathering on the shanks/feet. Barred rocks have clean shanks which are yellow with a blackish wash on a lot of hens.

Barred rocks also have a straighter pattern of striping in comparison to the more wavy cuckoo of the Marans, and of course, the egg color differs :p.
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Sounds very possible. I'd look for the bird with white legs. Rocks should have yellow, Marans white/pink. Marans are also "messier" looking with the barring.

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