Cuckoo Maran???

Barred rocks have the white spot on their heads, do the dominiques also? if not I would guess a barred rock but I don't have a lot of experience so I am not that reliable for a correct answer. erinm:eek:
Thanks for all the pictures for comparison!! I'm still wondering what she is.
From what I have read; cuckoo marans, dominiques, barred rocks and red star roosters all have the white spot on their head. But I would think that mine has to be either a dominique or a maran because it was the free rare chick and barred rocks aren't rare; right? I don't think that my girls legs are as yellow, I'll have to check.
We're in the process right now of making them a newer, larger brooder. So I'll post pics later.
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From the first photo, it looks like you have a Dominique.

Run your finger over that little comb, if it feels like the teeth of a comb it's a barred Rock, Maran, or Black Sex-link (red sex-link males are yellow/white with some red). If it feels flat it's a rose comb and probably a Dominique.

Leg color is not a reliable way to tell apart the breeds in hatchery chicks. There is a lot of variation out there!
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Barred rocks have yellow legs.
Marans have black legs IF they are going to be a dark cuckoo, or black. I have never seen a marans with white legs.. If it is a marans and has yellow legs it is a disqualification of the breed.

Dominiques have either yellow or pink legs not black so by process of elimination I would say you have a Marans.

(owner of cuckoo marans)
Here are some Marans with white legs all from feathersite:





I have RIR's with black feathers, Barred Rocks with black brushed legs and Silver-laced wyandottes with hardly any lacing. It may not be breed standard but it does tend to be hatchery standard.

Found something interesting here:

is the pertinent info:
One interesting fact about the Dominique is that the baby chicks carry a sex-linked gene that allows you to tell at hatching the males from the females. The cockerels have yellow toes and leg shanks, while the pullets have dark gray or black. Also the pullets have a yellow spot on top of their head and the cockerels' heads are a blend of black and yellow.

Here is another link about sexing Dom's by leg color and head spot, really good pic's here:
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At 3 weeks my dominiques comb is more like the teeth of a brush, but small teeth
Ok I finally got my camera to take a decent shot of my dominiques comb. The resolution isnt that high but the clearity of the comb is decent... this is today at almost 3 weeks old.
combshot2.jpg by process of elimination, I think I have a dominique. Here are some comparison shots I took...

First...her comb:

So here are my comparisons from the breeds I do know...
Delaware - Single Comb

Partridge Rock - Single Comb

Speckled Sussex - Single comb

Silver Laced Wyandotte - Rose comb

Here's some pictures of her feathers now...


and last but not least....the new very large brooder:

Thanks everyone!!! I hope this helps others figure out whether theirs are barred rocks, cuckoo marans or dominiques! I'm sad she's not a maran, but then again, that just means I need more chickens.
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She looks just like our dom's that we have. Ours are only 2 weeks old, so yours has lots more feathers, but the 1st pic's that you posted look just like our little ones.

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