Cuckoo Silkies?

I find that a lot of mine will look like this to start, but with age , they lighten... This year I have been breeding cuckoo x cuckoo...
Four month old Cuckoo Silkie cockerel. Made in the USA...

The result of breeding Cuckoo to Black (or Andalusian Blue) one generation, then Cuckoo to Cuckoo the next, for almost 20 generations.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Hello cuckoo silkie peeps! I hoping this thread is not completely dead yet, I would love some advice to help me get started. I finally found some cuckoo silkies, I dont think they are very far along in this process, but they are all I have been able to get.
My plan is to breed my partridge roo #1 AND cuckoo roo #2 with my cuckoo hen #3 and a couple white hens I have, and see what happens.
Then there is #4...I am not sure what is going on with this one but I think has cuckoo in there, maybe a grey cuckoo. It came from the same place as the two cuckoo. It has black skin and a single comb
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
And I have a question about single combs
All of the cuckoo's have single combs! Is that the first thing I should select for? Or skin color? Or feather color? I havent found any mention on what to do about the combs anywhere. Thoughts?
Edited to add, I think hen #3 is roo #2's mom.






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I almost forgot, I have this hen too, she is half silkie half cuckoo EE. I think I will add her to the mix too? I think I am pretty much starting from scratch anyway aren't I?
I just pulled it up trying to find some chick pics of different colored silkies... I have one that I am not sure what it will be... It is a blue gray chick, maybe it will just be blue. But I am a questioner not an answerer...
I'm starting from scratch. Just bought a araucana cuckoo male to bred with my black silkie hen. Talk about starting from scratch. I pick araucanas to be the base because i also want coloured eggs in my cuckoo silkies.
I think they will be awesome when there finished.
Been following this post and several other resources about breeding cuckoos. We just purchases our 1st cuckoo rooster. As of now I was planning on breeding to black 1 generation and if I can find a cuckoo hen breeding offspring to her and then back to black. I also saw someone mention white. Should I bred to white ever? Seems like it would screw things up.
Any suggestions?


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