Cuddly rooster?


May 3, 2015
I have a young rooster that I've had since he was a baby (actually 3 turned out to be roosters). It's my first flock and they're all about 12 weeks old. The two bigger roosters are pleasant enough (being rehomed soon though). But my littlest rooster comes to my back door every night lately. He walks in when I open the door, he cuddles in my lap-- usually he will lay down with his bottom up while I'm petting him and make all kinds of cooing noises. But today he came in and he didn't just lay down he started laying sideways, curled his feet under and even drooled a little. Is this all normal rooster behavior ? I'm very new to chicken raising so I wasn't sure if this was normal cuddly chicken behavior or if he was actually uncomfortable or getting sick or??
No this is not, it's almost as if he is imitating your dogs behavior. Do you have dogs? Did you get him as a chick and raise him?
I got him when he was only a couple days old. I do have a dog though they don't spend any time together.
Hu, I've never seen a chicken do this before, but I have heard of it happening before. It's very rare because chickens especially roosters are feisty. I'm not really sure about this, I haven't researched this yet, but I hope you get some answers. :)
Not without precedence...especially if you've handled them a lot and he's low cockerel of the 3.
Probably won't last tho, once he's really feeling his oats.
No this is not, it's almost as if he is imitating your dogs behavior. Do you have dogs? Did you get him as a chick and raise him?
At 12 weeks it's pretty normal - cockerels are much more inquisitive than pullets, and take better to training, etc.

12 weeks isn;t a rooster though - he may be a completely different bird at 12 months.

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