Cuddly roosters?

Julie dingman evans

In the Brooder
May 26, 2020
We have a nasty EE rooster at the moment, and are going to hatch a bantam ameracauna dozen this late spring. I’m wondering how sweet your ameraucauna roosters are? I’m hoping to keep The rooster we hatch cuddly or at least tame... does anyone have any advice on how to keep them that way through their adolescence and into their adult years? Thanks 😊
"Spoil the roo, and he'll be mean."

Basically, don't treat him as a pet. Don't spoil him, like getting him to eat out of your hands or anything. Treat him as if he's just a wild bird like the ones at your bird feeder. If he gets too comfortable around you, he'll start being mean eventually, or worse. Let him always know that his hens are YOUR hens and that YOU rule the roost. ;)
"Spoil the roo, and he'll be mean."

Basically, don't treat him as a pet. Don't spoil him, like getting him to eat out of your hands or anything. Treat him as if he's just a wild bird like the ones at your bird feeder. If he gets too comfortable around you, he'll start being mean eventually, or worse. Let him always know that his hens are YOUR hens and that YOU rule the roost. ;)
wow! that’s a good rule to live by
I've always handled my birds frequently as youngsters. Not the smoochy kissy type of handling but more the regular catch, pickup, inspect, hold for a moment then gently place down, kind of handling.

I find with that upbringing, the ones who want to be friendlier will continue to look for attention and the rest will just do their thing and are generally well behaved.

I also always keep more than one rooster in my flocks and the head rooster is usually one of my favorites (hardly surprising that LOL) which means the less tame roosters are always second or lower on the pecking order and don't really get a chance to square off with me for dominance.
I think it is basically a personality thing. I've treated 12 Roosters in my life, pretty much the same, with caring & affection, some more receptive & lovey dovey than others.

2 joined my family already as adults...1 Ameracauna was aggressive & needed to be rehomed, where they wanted a good protective Roo (Baron was great with his hens but attacked people) & the other is still here, Vagabond, a RIR is not mean or aggressive, he actually runs away if I reach for him, so occasionally catching him to gently check him over isn't his favorite thing, but he knows I won't hurt him. He was actually abandoned in the nearby town & I rescued him before someone shot the 5am crowing young bird running loose. He doesn't want interaction unless he sees a treat in my hand, which he will begin his "I see a treat cluck" for his girls, but is very wary of eating from my hand, so I don't expect him to, I'll set up his corn cob hanging or flock block then give him privacy to enjoy.

1 Barred Rock Roo I raised from just 4 weeks old & he was a sweet chick, but he got ornery, it's a game to him, try & run up behind me to spur back of my calf then run away laughing, I kid you not, he laughs! So my game is, I see him coming towards me out the corner of my eye, spin around, run towards him & scoop him up before he can spur me, & I haven't been kicked since. Rocky is a little stinker, when he comes at me he wants me to take a min & pet him, sit down with him on my lap & then he turns into a sweetie making sweet little sounds. If I need to walk & carry him somewhere, I have to tuck him under my arm, during which, if he can, he will try to bite. I know better, no bare arm, he just gets a beak full of sleeve Lol. My baggie hoodie has a lot of sleeve, it is hilarious when he goes to bite that, tugs on it, then lets it go & looks up at me with a puzzled expression. I know many wouldn't put up with this, but he actually makes me laugh, he's never really hurt me. He's very talkative with me, too, a funny bird.

The rest of my Roos are all very sweet & LOVE being pet. If I garden they come check out what I'm doing. If I am digging, they dig to help! If I pull weeds, they peck & play with the weed pile. If I sit down they jump on my lap & hunker down. All will eat from my hand or come running if I call. These are Wyandottes, Ameracaunas & Buff Orpingtons & 1 super sweet RIR.

There's no way to predict who will be nice, or who will stay nice, but so far, the 5 Roos I hatched out, are just as sweet as their daddy Roos. I hug most of them every single day.
3 of them expect hugs, walk up to me & stand there where's my hug mom.
Maybe it's part inherited, part learned, part mood & part smart enough to see that friendly equals more hugs or treats.


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