Culling a 4 week old, UPDATE


14 Years
May 30, 2009
Clayton, NC
I have a four week old bantam that I need to put down. I don't even kill bugs, so I absolutely hate this like so many of you. I guess the kindest for the chick is to remove the head and I am wondering if anyone can recommend or has used pruning shears/loppers.
I think something with a scissor motion will be the best for me as I will be doing it alone and will be shaky. If you think these would work well, do you think it matters if they have a straight blade or a curved one, bypass I think they are called. Thanks for any advice on this awful subject.
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OK, one thing you can do that will really quiet the bird is put a little sack over it's head so it can't see. and then wrap it's body in an old towel to immobilize it.

So sorry you have to do that.....
I have never culled so I would not know if that would be the best way to do it. what is wrong with the four week old in question ? It could very well be something curable or correctable sometimes very easily depending on what's wrong.
Yes, I use Pruning Shears. Hold the chick over a plastic bag in the sink, with it head facing away from you. Hold its body so it doesn't flap around. Make a quick cut at the neck. The head will lool. There should be a little blood. There will be death muscle and nerve reactions. Hold the chick until the reactions stop. You do not have to cut the head off, just break the neck. I always watch for a little blood to make certain the deed is done.

Wrap it in the plastic bag and dispose of it. I usually freeze the carcass until trash day. Clean your pruning shears, put them away. Take a deep breath and calm yourelf. If this need to be done, then you can do what is best for your chick.
I personally prefer better living through chemistry in the case of culling. You can go to any auto store or Walmart and buy carburetor starter fluid in a spray can. It should be (read the label) mostly ether. Using the little straw applicator on the can, seal up a gallon zip baggie around the straw and fill the bag with ether fumes. Slide the straw out, go get the bird, cover the bag with a big towel (I hate watching), and then quickly open the bag and put the head or whole bird in, keeping the bag tight around the neck, if only the head will fit in. It takes less than a second and there will just be a little twitch as they die. I count to 30, stuff the entire bird into the bag, and dispose.

Culling is never an easy thing to do. Good luck.
I also use the ether, But I use a plastic coffee can with a lid .I put 3-4 folded paper towels in the bottom and spray the ether on the paper towels and place the lid on. I retrieve the chick and place in the can and put the lid back on, walk away and in ten minutes return either I remove to the trash or you can throw away the whole can.
The chemical method would be easier on me, but my worry is that it may not be as quick a death as the blade method. My concern is being the kindest to the chick - I can always seek therapy later.
I hate this part of chicken raising. I put the entire chick in a plastic bag and then I put my hand on the outside of the bag so I can be a little disconnected. Then I hold the head with one hand and turn the body with the other in a clockwise motion till the chick stops fussing. Aaaauuugghh!
Gassing is always nice on the human just because it moves you away from the deed. However, I've watched hundreds if not thousands of little lives taken by gas and by far decapitation or cervical dislocation is faster. No gasping for air, jumping to try and get away, no twitching against the container, just instant flapping due to loss of central nervous system control. At 4 weeks, sharp kitchen shears will do just fine.

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