Cumulus is ONLY Drinking, droopy comb, cold waddle

Chicken Boo

11 Years
Jul 16, 2008
Glenn Dale, MD
My leghorn (2 years old) Cumulus is not eating but is drinking. Her poo is just water and going through her rather quickly.


1) She started skipping laying a couple days/week about 2 months ago. I chalked it up to her never having molted and the heat.

2) Last week I noticed that she was not moving as much as she usually does. But it was 100 degrees outside.

3) 3 days ago, her comb was droopy and pale. When I caught her (she was still spry enough to run) she was way too light.

4) When I put her into the crate and gave her some bread soaked in olive oil and yogurt, she snapped it up. She then started turning that down and only ate meal worms. Now, she will not eat anything but is drinking a lot.

5) I ground up a Tums and put electrolytes in her water so she could get something and perhaps lower the pH of her digestive system. I added olive oil to it this morning and she is slurping that up.

6) She does have a spot on her foot that looks like bumblefoot. I soaked her feet in antibiotics last night and will be doing that again today.

7) When holding her, I cannot find her crop.

8) I notice that she had parasites crawling on her that I have not seen before. They are really tiny and look like little dashes. I cannot make out any features, even with my glasses on. She is white and they are dark and look like little dashes. I put her on my lap and worked DE under her feathers. Is this a cause or a secondary issue?


What is safe to put in her water for calories and nutrition until I figure this out? Gatorade, maybe? I watered down some yogurt but she is turning that down.

I think she has some kind of obstruction in her digestive tract. Would forcing a bolus of olive oil be a first step in knocking it loose (assuming it is not a tumor or some such)?

What are her unwanted passengers?

Any input would be appreciated.

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