Curious about older ducklings behavior (sort of long)

Mar 18, 2020
Fredrick County, VA
TLDR- a pair of older ducklings have adopted a much younger duckling, is this a fluke thing or a possible indicator of future behavior?

The details: A few weeks ago, I volunteered to brood a batch of Pekins for a friend in my makeshift brooder, which is inside my coop, until they were off of heat, with the logic that ducklings are adorable and I already had it mostly set up.
From the beginning, the older ducklings liked sleeping next to the littles, maybe because of the MHP or maybe because of the placement of the brooder. One of the littles was slightly smaller, far more active, and a bit of an escape artist, and would let itself out into the main coop. I'm around a lot during the day this time of year, so I figured I'd keep an eye on them and see how things played out. All four older (about 8 weeks old) ducklings tolerated the little one, but it attached itself to the two Cayuga's (one drake, one hen; there are also two khaki Campbells in that batch, but the duckling mostly ignored them). By the end of the week, the drake started calling back if it started peeping and the hen allowed it to snuggle in under her. By the end of two weeks, she had pulled apart a little from the other "big" ducks and was grooming the baby and showing it how to fish under the water hyacinth. When my friend picked up her ducklings (about 2.5 weeks old), this one cried and ran around so much she offered it to me. It's now a little over three weeks old, and both the drake and hen Cayuga are protective of it, keeping the bossiest hens at bay when everyone is free-ranging together. The female Cayuga has rejoined the others and the five of them run around and swim together as one big flock.
I'd love to hear other people's stories if this isn't just some bizarre fluke- have your ducks or ducklings ever adopted little ones like this? I also wonder if "dad" acting this way because he's head of the flock (like here) or because his favorite hen is "mom" and how much this is an indicator of how he'll react in the spring when there will, hopefully, be more ducklings.
I have had many duckling but other than their mama haven’t ever had a drake or female take one under their wings so to speak. That is a very sweet story about yours doing it though. Hopefully someone has and will share their story. Your two are very unique and special. Would love to see pictures
I have seen a slightly similar thing with my muscovy ducks. I took in a khaki campbell that was being fed only strawberries and lettuce. She was a lone duck, so I do wonder if they had two and one died. Luckily she recouped really well with us. We got her another duckling to be a companion. They bonded a lot with us and we were able take them outside with the rest of the flock early on. They would follow my husband. My muscovy girls would watch my husband protecting the ducklings, and eventually the muscovy started to protect the ducklings. We could leave them out with muscovy and know they would be ok with them. Below you can see one of our muscovy watching over them.


In general, our muscovy are the first ones to accept new ducks into the flock. They will watch over ducklings even when they on the other side of the fence.
A I can say is .... Sometimes magic happens and sometimes it don't.
I've seen some of my best mama ducks attack and try to kill babies that weren't theirs.
I've seen young ducklings accept others no problem and then I've seen the opposite as well where they chase and attack a newbie. It's a crap shoot. I would say it is no predictor of future behavior. Once they grow into hormones it all changes.
I would say it is no predictor of future behavior. Once they grow into hormones it all changes.

That's what I was wondering about. I'll have to wait and see how they act in the spring...
It is sweet, for now.
Would love to see pictures

Here's a pic of the little one when he decided I'd taken too many pictures already:
Duckling hiding.jpg

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