Curious about why no eggs

You mentioned the other hens are chasing and pecking the new Birds.....The loss of tail feathers and on their heads is sounding more like pecking to me.......Stress will stop egg production in stressed Birds.....

It could take weeks/months or never for the two groups to become one flock....They may tolerate each other but never be one flock.....

Quote: In addition to mealworms, you can also toss them a handful of dry cat or dog kibble for extra protein mornings and evenings. Mine are already growing their feathers back. Sure hope they don't wait past the winter solstice to start laying again.
You mentioned the other hens are chasing and pecking the new Birds.....The loss of tail feathers and on their heads is sounding more like pecking to me.......Stress will stop egg production in stressed Birds.....

It could take weeks/months or never for the two groups to become one flock....They may tolerate each other but never be one flock.....


I wondered about that, too. But the pecking seems to have mostly stopped. She doesn't have bloody places or sores from pecking.This bird seemed to be the least stressed of the two. She eats well and doesn't seem to be as bullied any more, but they do stay together and not so much with the rest of the flock. I had hoped they would eventually mesh. I'll just give it more time, I suppose.

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