Curious breeding questions

You could mix a third with a Bar with another chicken so three chickens would make a colored barring

White barring certainly can exist on colored chickens. Examples are Cream Legbars and Bielefelders and Rhodebars.

For chickens like Gold Pencilled Hamburgs and Gold Campines, they may look like they have gold & black barring (not white barring), but their pattern is caused by a different combination of genes. The barring gene always makes white lines across whatever other color feathers the chicken would have.

I'm thinking of mixing a Barred Rock with an Easter egg. I'm thinking of mixing a friend that has Speckles on it with an Easter egg or. Then I wanted to see how those two mixes would turn out together.

Making those two mixes and then crossing them will give you quite a variety of colors and patterns in the chicks. They should be really fun to see :)

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