Curled feet


6 Years
Jul 6, 2013
Hi. I'm Cyndi from Texas. I'm incubating guinea eggs and they unexpectedly started hatching early. I hadn't even raised the humidity yet. So, a couple of them needed help out of their eggs because they were too dry. They are doing well, except one was in the egg so long that his feet are curled like they were when he came out. Should I tape them or wait a while to see of they straighten out? Do you give keets vitamins in the water like chicks?
Thanks for any advice. :)
how long have they been out of their eggs? I heard to let them go for atleast 24 hours to see if their feet will be ok. I had one I swore was going to have curled feet,but by the next morning her feet straightened out and she was fine.
I would give them some time. Yeah, you should use vitamins in their water. Ive never hatched guineas, mine were chickens, but vitamins cant really do anything except help them :)
I taped them. One looks normal now. The other one still crooked. I'll tape it again. He keeps pulling tape off. He can run though! Thanks for the communication.
If you use vitamins, use PolyViSol infant drops without iron. I don't know the dosage though. If you need to re-tape toes, use electrical wire. It comes off by itself in a few days. Let us know how they do!
I put a roof shingle in my brooder box. There feet straightened up cause they could grip good.
sounds like you came up with a good idea there...

glad it worked! !

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