curved beaks


8 Years
Jun 6, 2011
we have two polish hens that we bought at an auction a couple of weeks ago, after we got home we noticed the top part of the beak curved down over the bottom one,they dont have any trouble eating as long as there is lots of food in the feeder. we were wondering if anyone know if we should trim their beaks or is this how their beaks are suppose to be. And if they do need to be would we go about doing so?....dremel tool? Peddi Paw? Clippers?...etc.
Sorry you, should have looked at them good they have cross beaks and there's nothing you can do. Sorry they'll be fine I think.
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sounds like a simple case of beak overgrowth. the birds probably didn't have access to outside and so had no chance to wear thier beaks down. if your comfortable with it, clip a bit at a time carefully off with a pair of pet nail clippers. leave a little more than looks right and then reclip in a few days to give the blood a chance to recede some if where the blood starts isn't clearly visible (ie. horn or black beaks)
When i found my polish (abandoned) he had the same issue.
I didn't feel comfortable cutting it.
I just let it be and he chipped it down from pecking around outside.
Now its back to the correct size :]

I wouldn't worry about it too much if its not affecting their eating/drinking/or health.
They end up fixing the problem themselves.
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Oh I'm sorry that is not cross beak, I don't want you to think I was being mean with what I said in my first post, I wasn't trying to be, so I hope you didn't take it that way, I hope you can fix it.
lol! i didnt think you were being mean, i prolly should have been clearer. lol!

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