Custom Chicken Condominum


12 Years
Aug 19, 2010
Vancouver, WA
I did a lot of work on my friend's business computer. He wanted to pay me, but I don't like taking money from friends. So he offered to replace my poor first attempt at building a chicken coop. I gave him a picture of a coop from a Poultry magazine and suggested some dimension.

Today, a week later, he called me saying he needed some measurements. When he knock at my door, I almost broke out into tears. That's big feat making me cry. Anyways, here are the products of his amazing workmanship:

The interior is amazing. The roosts are made of one inch pine dowels

As hard to believe as it is, this was his the first chicken coop he ever made. He said that for him, it was like building a miniature version of the real homes he builds. His wife showed me her callouses from putting in deck screws that hold the frame together. he made all of this with $220 worth of materials from Home Depot. He had so much fun building this, that he's thinking of selling these on consignment at the local feed store.

Unfortunately, my ladies were quite fussy at sundown and became confused because I decommissioned their old coop. They aren't sure what to make of this new coop. I had to physically handle them and place them onto the roosting dowels. I'll probably be locking them inside for the next few days. Anybody know, what the best time frame is to keep them inside when relocating hens to a new home?
What a lovely gesture!

That's not an unusual reaction. Personally, I don't like locking chickens in a coop and would probably not do it, or not for more than a day, particularly if you can gather or bribe them back into the coop at dusk. Others lock them up for a few days.

If you have large fowl, a 1" dowel is not going to be comfortable as a roost; they will do better with something wider.

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