Custom Incubation? Renting Incubator Space?


11 Years
Dec 31, 2009
Central Florida
We have had great success here incubating eggs. So much so, in fact, that we have been asked if we would incubate some eggs for others. They would purchase the eggs, all I would have to do is the candling, lock down, and initial brooding (less than a week). Has anyone ever done this before? They have offered to pay me (they figured it would be cheaper than buying an incubator that they probably wouldn't use again.) How much would you charge? Is there anything wrong with doing this? Is there a market for custom incubations?
I say cool idea! There are enough folks here that seem to have trouble. (Heck, they are using people now for custom incubation of babies!) I sent some eggs to the next town for incubation and I have pips today! She wanted to test her HM bator and I have a ton of eggs so why not? I have no suggestions for fees or anything...the only bad thing I can think of is that then you might have to ship chicks that you hatched. Terri O
Thats what my friend does, she incubates for a fee.
She has a super incubator that does everything except housework
It's a beauty. Brinsa?
She charges $1.00 for the egg to go in and $1.50 for every chick that comes out.
So a successful hatched chick would cost $2.50.
I assume you're referring to the "Bra Babies?"

BlackBart - Brinsea's are great incubators! I have two now (Octagon 20's)!

schmmems - What type/brand of incubator are you using? If you're having such fantastic results, I'd sure like a few pointers! I have some very valuable eggs being shipped this week - I'm praying I can hatch at least 2 of them.
I have had a local Poultry farmer approach me for hatching his RIR eggs, he would like to triple his flock, as some of his hens are getting old. His words not mine!

I have been considering this.....but with biosecurity with my own chicks, I have not made a decision as yet.
I have a friend who ordered from TSC , GC's at $2.50 ea. He could have ordered chicks for $1.64. He ordered 100 birds. No way would it have cost $90 for shipping but he wouldn't listen.

The idea of having someone else hatch for me is one I've entertained myself. You have to find an amiable price. One both hatcher and lesser feel comfortable with. For me right now I don't know if I would pay more than $3-4 per chick. But then I would have to provide the eggs and since they are purchased that cost is something I would have to decide. Right now I have "for me" very valuable eggs in my incu. I would have probably paid to have someone take 1/3 of them just to hedge my bet.

So if you and the other person are agreed on a price, be clear on what the terms are. Ex. No deposit return unless you both agree. No money, no chicks, even if they provide the eggs. If it's their choice "not" to take the chicks they forfiet the deposit and/or pay the rest. Price is only for viable chicks. They pay one price to put the eggs in the incu and the rest only for viable chicks. Or you could charge a flat rate to put the eggs in you incu. $20 per doz. or something like that.

Print up the terms and both sign and get a copy. CYB Cover your butt.
I was thinking that if I did it, I would only do it locally (no shipping chicks). We're pretty rural around here and there is a lot of growing interest in chickens. People are paying lots of money for chicks that are being sold by the feed store as "Araucana" which are really EE from Ideal. "But it lays a green egg..."

So I thought this could be a way to let people get good quality chicks from eggs. They could purchase the eggs, say from a BYC member, or I could provide a finder's service for them and purchase them myself. We could make sure that the parent birds are show quality (most people here want them for their kids to show as well as the eggs). I was thinking that they would have to make sure that the flock was NPIP to avoid any disease problems.

I like the per egg + per chick idea. But when you add that to the cost of the eggs and shipping the eggs, it could be cost prohibitive for the buyer. I have been hatching eggs for our school from our SQ giant cochins, so the cost is a lot less because we are the source of the eggs...

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