cwhit590's Egg Art (Pic Heavy!)

Those are absolutely beautiful. You are very talented. I do alot of ornament painting with acrylic paint.....never used acrylic ink. Not sure how the two would differ but I use modge podge on mine and I never have a problem with anything running or smearing. Keep up the awesome art work.
Thanks again for the compliments everyone!

speckledhen - Is your husband still in art? I checked out your son's site and
. I'm a Christian so I think it's awesome that he's using his talent for God's glory.

steffpeck - I painted the damask ones.

Eggs4Sale - lol...

JewellFarm - Thanks for the info on mod podge! I'll have to try's good to hear that it worked for you. Sounds like mod podge and spray sealers would work best...

....about the shoe....I drew it for my drawing class, and later that semester I entered it into a college art ended up making it into the show (couldn't believe it...I wasn't even an Art major or minor!
)and I got a ribbon for Honorable Mention!
Caleb, you truly do have a talent there...I highly recommend continuing in the field!

I also like the etched one best. Maybe if you just did one design, like border all the way around, but just ONE chicken on it...that would save time? You can only display one side anyway...just a thought! Carry on, young man!
Thanks guys! I like hearing which ones you guys like helps give me an idea of what to work on for the future.

Sounds like I'll have to crank out a few more etched ones......eventually......

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