Cyst? Or..?


In the Brooder
Aug 8, 2015
Washington twp Mi


HI! New to chick raising!! We found 2 little babies on the side of the road yesterday, abandoned in a small cat carrier. I'm thinking they're 3-4 weeks old. We just spotted a small puffy bump on one and don't know what it is.. is it a cyst? Was he/she pecked? Is it an infection?
Almost all of these "cyst" scares on baby chicks turn out to be a case of thin down covering the throat area and the crop appearing predominant.

Look carefully at the chick as you hold it up facing you. If this bulge is low on the chick's right side of its chest wall, it's the crop.

It's normal for baby chicks' crops to be quite large because they eat like little pigs. Nothing to worry about.
If it's much smaller in the morning, it's probably the crop. It could be well off to the side on your chick instead of the usual center-right chest. Some of us humans aren't perfect either.

As long as your chick is eating and pooping and is active and keeps up with the others in size, there isn't anything to worry about.
I will check in the am. Will they normally rest even with the heat lamp on all night? Not sure if they eat while I'm not out there but every time I go out they'rearly (2) huddled up next to each other sleeping under lamp and as soon as I walk in they both get and start chowing!

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