Daddy duck chasing 1 month baby


8 Years
May 17, 2011
What would make a drake sire chase its baby duck after a month? This seems to just have started and I think its making the baby feel a little alienated from the group. Is he going to hurt the baby when he catches it? Should I be concerned?
Has the daddy been around the baby for a month or have they just been re-united? There is a strong possibility that he will harm and possibly kill the baby. I would definitely be concerned. Is there any way to separate them?

I have read that the father will try to kill the babies. The daddy wants to continue to mate with the mama and he can't because the mama is trying to take care of the babies. So he is jealous, so if he harms/kills the baby, then he will have the mama all to himself. Sad but true. This is why I keep the babies and mama in their own area until the babies are grown and can defend themselves.

All drakes won't do it but some will.
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very true some will kill, and he probably see the baby as a threat to his girls. my drake did this when i would let mama and ducklings out to forage, but I was always there to make sure he never hurt one.
Agree with all the above and would add that if a drake can force the ducklings away from their mother she will start cycling again and be more willing to breed. With drakes it's very much about sex.
He could also be trying to catch the little duck to breed it. Like Sourland says, it is all about the mating for drakes. They don't care whether a duck is male or female, little or big, dead or alive.
You know I was honestly thinking it was just that. She jumps out of the water immediately if he wants to mate... and so does my other female. Auntie had her own clutch but I think one rotted and popped and killed the good eggs so none of hers hatched... so she seems to kind of feel like she needs to help with the baby... so when he tries to mate with HER, she denies him too. I think he is REALLY frustrated... I could always separate the baby completely. Would that be better?
Oh and about the re-united thing... no they have always been together as a group. Only recently Daddy has not been happy with Baby. So far Baby seems to keep a good run away from Daddy but Ill have to catch it tonight then because I dont want him to hurt it. He honestly doesnt seem interested in doing so - more like hes just trying to shoo it away but I dont want to take a chance on that.

Thank you for your answers!
Oh, I would hate for the baby to be separated from mama.
Can they be together, just them 2 (mama and baby)? I think that would be nice.

I hope that everything works out well.
Umm I dont know. I dont have any runs. They have one large fenced in area for all four of them.
And I cant let them on the other side because they will eat my pond plants/fish. I will have to figure out arrangements when I get home. Still havent been able to get back home right now
It will probably be getting dark by the time I get home. Bummer. Ugh plus add in the heat I dont know about having acommedations to allow both of them and still keep them cool and have a splash area. *sigh* Dang meany Kiwi! Maybe I should separate him by him self with a little blow up duck LOL
If I do I will definately take pictures. LOL I know I do have a couple of "sexy" rubber ducks... though kinda small I have seen this done on old cartoons... I just put a little lipstick on them right? LOL

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