Damaged feathers


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 22, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
I have a hen that has broken feathers shafts. There so bad I cant even pluck them out. My chickens dont molt either i had another hen with the same problem last year but not as bad. I put de on her feathers besides plucking them out is their any other ways to get old broken feathers out.
If you can't even get to the feather shaft with tweezers to pluck them out, I can't think of anything to do. You may just have to wait until she molts.
If you can't even get to the feather shaft with tweezers to pluck them out, I can't think of anything to do. You may just have to wait until she molts.

Ill try tweezers i only tried with pliers. Shes been like this for about a year. They dont molt
Do you have any idea why your chickens don't molt?
How old are they, and do you supply light in the coop?

Im not sure why but once the feather are broken they dont fall out. And i have a light in my coop but its not on. The hens its happening to are a year or over.
Molting tends to be light in chickens under 18 months. Maybe they just haven't hit their first hard molt yet? It kinda differs from bird to bird.
Are the bare areas a problem for the bird, or do you just not like the appearance?
Molting tends to be light in chickens under 18 months. Maybe they just haven't hit their first hard molt yet? It kinda differs from bird to bird.
Are the bare areas a problem for the bird, or do you just not like the appearance?

It bothers me lol. It cant feel all that great for her either. This hen is going on two years old. I think the DE is helping alittle bit. Im probably gonna invermecting her to.

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