Dark Brown Eggs? Silkie, Cochins, Guineas


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 8, 2009
The Oregon Coast
We have a Coupe with Silkies, Cochins & Guineas. We found a nest in there with Dark Brown Eggs! They are normal size eggs! I can't figure out where they came from! These eggs are really nice eggs! I'm a beginner with Silkies & Guineas but I doubt they laid them... Any ideas?

They are darker than they look in the picture...
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Those really arn't supper dark I have seen cochins lay that dark. Those eggs are also dirty so that might play some role in it.

Congrats on the eggs!
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You didn't say what type of Cochins. My banty Cochins lay lighter eggs than my standard Cochins, whom lay as dark an egg as my Cuckoo Marans. Cochins are pretty good layers. Mine do a great job.
Like I said, the picture doesn't show the color very well. They are actually pretty dark like a Maran Egg, but there isn't any marans. They aren't dark from being dirty, the egg shells are dark.

They are Bantam Cochins... I do have some Frizzles that are part Cochin...

It's just so strange...
I wonder if it's the frizzles... Do yours lay bigger eggs? My Bantams have always laid eggs half the size and a cream color... When I got the Silkies & Guinea eggs to hatch they looked allot like the Cochins eggs...
Well- the only laying silkie I have lays much bigger eggs than the banty cochins. The banties eggs are on the pink side, and pretty round as well. It's my LF cochins that lay the dark round ones.
Can't say I've ever seen a guinea egg. Had to sell mine-they were mean to my roos.

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