Dark Cornish Week 2 update......


12 Years
Jul 2, 2007
W. Tennessee
Hey all,

I'm sorry that this update is so late. It is so late due to some "technical difficulties" that were beyond my control.

During the second week, the Dark Cornish did not increase their weight (percentage wise) near as much as they did the first week. But, I think that most of it is my fault. Each day I went in and checked on the chicks about the same time in the morning and about the same time each evening. The mornings of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th days (of week 2), both the feeder and the waterer were empty. The evening of the 7th day, it finally dawned on me that they just might need more feed and water! So, I replaced the 1.5 quart jar water with a 1 gallon waterer and the 1.5 quart jar feeder with a 10 lb. feeder. I filled the gallon water full. I put about 2 lbs. of feed in the feeder. The next afternoon, the water was almost empty and the feeder only had a few ounces of feed in it. Since then, I have been refilling the feeder and water twice per day. Before I put the larger feeder and water in the brooder, I don't think they were getting all they wanted/needed to drink and eat. It won't happen again!!

I just thought I'd add this..... Man..... these guys eat and drink!!!! In the two weeks that I've had them, the 26 chicks have already gone through approximately 35 lbs. of 20% game bird grower/finisher!! If I'd kept the feeder full every day (as I should), they would probably have already gone through another 5 lbs. or so!

Anyway, here are the week 2 "weigh-in" results:

As of Friday, October 26, I have had the Dark Cornish for 2 weeks. When I changed their bedding in the brooder, I weighed each chick. The 26 chicks' weights ranged from 5 oz. to 7.5 oz. with 6.22 oz. being the average. It was not the 156% average increase that I saw last week, but still an average increase of 95%; almost doubled their size!

This week there were 7 "heavy weights," and 2 "light-weights." The heavies ranked as follows: 4 that were 7 oz. ea, 2 that were 7.25 oz. ea, and 1 that was 7.5 oz. The 2 lightest ones only weighed 5 oz. each. I really am beginning to hope that these are pullets!!

Unfortunately, I did not get to take any pics of the chicks after I weighed them on Friday. But, I took some this evening. Here they are:

This first one is of my two Mille Fleurs that hatched out three days before I got the Dark Cornish:

This next one is of one of the biggest Dark Cornish next to the 2 Mille Fleurs. Also note, that the feeder in the pic is a 1.5 quart feeder, not a 1 quart feeder.

More pics of the boys...

The chick in the center of this pic is one of the two smallest chicks...

Here's one in my hand for a bit more size comparison...

Here's a shot of one of the boy's wing...

Here's a leg & thigh shot...

Finally, here's a shot of a breast. Notice the bare spot that runs the length of the breast.

Though this week's growth rate was not quite what it was last week, I am still pleased. Since I have been making sure that the waterer and feeder never get empty, it appears (to me) that they are growing faster this week than they did last week. But, the best part of all is that they ALL seem to be extremely healthy and happy!!

I'll continue to keep you posted.

These are great pics!! When the project is done, you will be SO glad you had this documentation. I wish I had done the same when I had the Cornish Rocks. I was told they would grow very fast, but was astonished at what they did in 6 weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing your birds grow more and see how they turn out. Keep up the good work!!
Thanks BirdBrain!! I also keep track of them, my hatching eggs, and my layer production on my computer. I use a simple, free program that I downloaded from the internet. It's called AZZCardfile. It's good to keep track of all kinds of things, and it's easy to use. If you come up with a new way to use it or put a link to AZZCardfile on your blog or website, the author will give you a license for free!! That's how I got mine! I like the beta (version 4) the best. Anywho... if you, or anyone else would like to check it out, here's a link: AZZCardfile


You have chickens on your couch! My wife would kill me. although, we've had an injured goose in our kitchen for several days now. That thing honking at 3 am will wake you up.

The bare spot along the breast is a breed standard for Cornish (called "Indian Game" in England). Don't let it alarm you at all. It's the way it is supposed to be.
I think the thighs need a little more meat on them.

Thanks for the update! Have you decided how you will choose your breeders? Should that big daddy be marked? I'm wishing I had marked certain roosters in my flock as I watched them grow.

LOL!!!!! No doubt that the little guy in the pic needs to grow a bit! I just thought that for his size and age, he had a pretty good start toward a good sized leg and thigh!!

As for choosing the breeders, I intend to choose them for both size and growth rate. I will be looking more at the size of the breast than any other part, because that's where my Buffs need improvement. Of those, I intend to choose for quick development.

Yes, some of the guys need to be marked. But, I've not found anything to mark them with that will stay on and not quickly become a problem. I tried the twist ties that come with garbage bags. But, they quickly figured out that if they pulled at them long enough they would come off! Smart, huh?? Then I tried some small rubber bands. The first ones were aparently a tiny bit too big, and were quickly pulled off. They couldn't pull the second ones off. But, the leggs grew so fast that the rubber bands quickly got tight enough that I was afraid that they would cut the circulation off.

So, I really don't know how to mark them in a way that will both stay and be safe. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it.

BTW, unfortunately there will be no "Week Three" update. I have been down in my back much, much worse than I normally am. I've been doing good to keep my chickens fed and watered. Maybe things will be better next week and I can add another update. I hope the ones that have shown an interest in my posts will forgive me!

Sorry to hear about your back. That's not fun.

I have wondered the same thing about marking the better birds. Do you think cable ties would work? I've thought about trying waterproof white out, nail polish, and permanent markers -- maybe on their nails, legs or tops of their heads?

color coded nylon ties is probably the best bet.. unless you want to get those metal breeder rings.. you know the things they put on parakeets, cockatiels, etc..
Chickenmama22, your are exactly right about the back problems not being any fun!! I've had them long enough that I've just gotten used to the pain. But, this time it has been worse than it had been since I ruptured the first disk back in 1999. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will get better soon. Regardless, I don't intend to let them cut on my back any more!!!

I too had wondered about the different colored nylon ties/cable ties. My wife and I have got to go to Wally-World for some groceries today. I may get some and try them. I'll just have to keep a very close eye on them because of how fast their legs are growing.

Thanks for the input!!


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