Dark Cornish?


5 Years
Mar 25, 2014
SW Michigan
This is a mystery chick that came with my order from MPC a little over a week ago. It has yellow feet, no feathering on the legs, and has the chipmunk coloring. It is very different from the light brown leghorn that I ordered, which is the only other chipmunk colored chick in my batch. Could this be a Dark Cornish? I'm hoping the more experienced members here might know. Any thoughts?

She/he is the one on the bottom of this last picture. The light brown leghorn is on the right, with a partridge rock and GLW at the top.

Thank you all for your help!
It very well could be one. What kind of comb does it have?

I'm not really sure to be honest, I'm not at home at the moment. This is the best pic that I have with me. You can't really see a comb for the most part, but I'll get a better picture when I get home. It's hidden really well behind all of the fluff.
He/she is really spunky, one of our most active and adventurous chicks so far.

Thank you all, I'm really glad to hear this! I've actually been wanting one, assuming he/she is actually a girl. I hear they go broody quite often, and I'd love to have her try hatching some eggs some day. Would feather coloring start keying in on the sex at all yet? Or is it just the waiting game for a few more weeks to see rooster characteristics start showing?

Here's a recent picture of his/her comb. I'm sorry that it's so dark, I couldn't get the flash working right. He/she has really started feathering out the last few days. All of them have actually. The feathering is very black, with a lot of brown and white coloring mixed in.

Thank you all!

Thank you all, I'm really glad to hear this! I've actually been wanting one, assuming he/she is actually a girl. I hear they go broody quite often, and I'd love to have her try hatching some eggs some day. Would feather coloring start keying in on the sex at all yet? Or is it just the waiting game for a few more weeks to see rooster characteristics start showing?

Here's a recent picture of his/her comb. I'm sorry that it's so dark, I couldn't get the flash working right. He/she has really started feathering out the last few days. All of them have actually. The feathering is very black, with a lot of brown and white coloring mixed in.

Thank you all!
You're welcome, and it still looks like a Dark Cornish. :eek:)

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