Dark green poop?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 5, 2011
Not sure whose poop, but I think (from size) it was the rooster. 12 hens and 1 roo, everyone acts normal. (3 broodies)

Should I be worried? It's VERY green.
It's probably from one of the broodies. They hold it while they are in the nest then really let go when they take their daily constitutional.

I don't know if it is a problem or not. I noticed my chickens had dark green, almost flourescent green, poop after they ate some red cabbage. Have you given them anything to eat that might color their poop?
thanks for the link.... I'd seen it but the green one they show is much less green, so I thought I'd ask here. It's a great resource though!
Have you given them anything to eat that might color their poop?

Not that I can think of. The only "special" thing they've gotten from me in the last couple of days was some sour raw milk, which they adore. They do free range during the day, but always in the same general areas, and nothing new seems to be growing. Maybe it IS one of the broodies.... It was near the feeder, so it would make sense that she went to the feeder and pooped on the way. I'll keep an eye on them and post if I see anything change.

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