Dark of Night, eyes closed-"Big Jake"

Are you sure they aren't standing there and wondering what time supper is?!:lol:
Sorry, I couldn't help myself LOL

I do hope you start to see some improvement. I know it's concerning when one is not feeling well. Some of mine are more pet than livestock and I probably spend more time worrying, observing (looking at poop too) and puzzling over behavior than most.

The crowing...haha! Well. That's a rooster for you. Mine start up somewhere around 4am. I used to have one that seemed to crow on cue at 2am every morning - the morning I didn't hear that 2am crow, there was trouble and I was right. Sadly I lost him. I do take some losses harder than others, but have learned to accept there are just some things I can't fix regardless of what I do or try. I'm constantly learning, BYC is great for this - the sharing and wealth of information is just wonderful.

Keep us posted!
I'm not sure at all they aren't wondering, "What time supper is?".
That's hilarious, just funny!
Still working away with Jake, getting ivermectin paste ready and more scrambled eggs.
There is improvement in his eyes,since introduction of Vitamin E gel and B Complex.
Now, not massive, but he's now holding both eyes further open while feeding and appears to have improved his 'pecking aim' considerably.
This a.m. he was 'nailing' individual pieces of egg, rather than the past, where he simply hit all the pile and came away with beakfulls and just gulped.
So, something happened, but I'm not going to get too excited, I'm sure he has a long hard road ahead.
Will update and am just going ahead with all you've suggested to this point and some other people that had some of the same suggestions as you. Everyone has been helpful.
....Continuing thanks.
poor baby i hope we can help him keep giving him vit b and e and the eggs if you need too he may need the water help with a syringe because of dehydration keep giving lots of fluids
Thanks Songster,
He's begun to drink more but still requires help, you have to position the bowl for him. Pouring on the eggs and starter chick grain, Vit B Complex and Vit E.
Still can't determine what causes the sudden sleep. But it seems water, after a few drinks, slows him and I have no idea why. Just plan to keep working with him and see how he does.
He eats plenty and is starting to take more water, but the vision thing ( depth perception?) is a real concern
Thanks for the interest and advice.
I don’t have much to add as you've had excellent advice from @Wyorp Rock on this thread

If he is anaemic (his comb looks pale to me) then worms or mites could be causing that so I hope you get on top of it with the meds you've been recommended.

You seem very caring and I hope he continues to improve.
I don’t have much to add as you've had excellent advice from @Wyorp Rock on this thread

If he is anaemic (his comb looks pale to me) then worms or mites could be causing that so I hope you get on top of it with the meds you've been recommended.

You seem very caring and I hope he continues to improve.
(Chickalina, Feather 13, Wyrop) Thanks for the interest in, "Big Jake".
He's been indoors each night, for a well over two weeks. His eyes have finally opened and only a few days ago, was seen to pick his first grass, that is, to actually, 'graze'.
Jake is brought back in around 2pm, at this point, as he does not appear strong enough to make full days.
His eyes, always the central concern, slowly, very slowly, seem to be getting better, that is, his, 'vision'. He is definitely improving in his depth perception.
Scrambled eggs, with Vit E Oil and doses of complex B vitamins, always in his water, at least in my estimation, seems most effective in his recovery to date. It wasn't until then, that I thought I saw progress. That's thanks to many and especially, 'Wyrop'. And without that advice, Jake would be long gone.
He remains under watch, guarded optimism, as he still tires later in the day. Yet this morning, after scrambled eggs/w Vit E oil, and chick starter, vitamin complex B water, he engaged and 'ran off' a younger rooster his size. He scratches the ground with energy, picks rock, eats grasses, but does appear to tire out. He's brought back in and placed in large plastic tub ( freshly cleaned each day and lined) and rests there till next day.
Should he further improve, I assume he will jump from the tub, since it's not covered and at that point, if it comes, my guess is Jake would be ready to return to the coop.

The many members of the household seem thrilled with Jake's guarded recovery. Jake does sleep in the living room and as his health has improved, his 4:30 a.m. crowing has become something of 'magnificence' and with near earth 'tremor'.
Likewise the crowing has been multiplied by at least a factor of 30 crows, booming throughout the house to the joy of all.

Just this early am, I heard many nearly cheering myself and Jake, encouraging us again,,,
"Fun To You!", may times over.

I keep forgetting to ask why they yell to, "Go out to the well', but will ask soon and report back here.
While no one has spoken to me in weeks, I'm sure that's due to their concern of my struggle helping Jake and of course, they must be worried. With fresh bedding brought in,,, this spring's meadow hay,,, they have commented on the 'wonderful smell' in the living room. And though this is often said from another room, it's a comfort for me, to know Jake and I are adding to the home's overall peace.

But now, completely unlike the past two to three weeks, Jake raises his head well up to the tub edge and looks directly at you, and is 'curious', as you enter the room, in contrast to head down and no movement at all, before. He clucks and makes sounds far more often. But I still sense a weakness in him. Someone mentioned 'anemic' and that makes sense to me. But you still wonder in observing this very, very slow 'recovery', if it is,,, that the 'later in the day tiredness', might be a return of whatever he had in the first place.
The only thing I'm certain of, was mites. The rest is mystery. He has clearly gained weight and at least until noon, displays normal chicken behaviors, which is astonishing really, to me.
He had began, not long ago, absolutely very near death, without question, just barely able to eat even scrambled eggs, with his eyes fully closed, sealed. I had come very close to putting him out of his misery and am glad at this point, I did not.

I'll try to get another photo here soon, as his comb has regained color and found it not advisable to expose him to too much sunlight, at least not yet. I think in cases like Jake's, that vaseline, in my case, 'bag balm', was a very good thing to do for the comb and above and around the eyes, as it was very difficult to rehydrate him. I didn't take him outside in the sun until the balm had soaked in a couple days and seemed diminished . I still think he is behind in hydration and work on that often.
So, at finding him fully ill and 'comatose', eyes closed and 'weaving' his head back and forth,,,,
Amoxicillin, powdered and strongly stirred into water, every day, seven full days.
Penicillin, two days, again, mixed into water.
Tetracycline, two days, powdered, in water.
Aspirin, which did affect him and I thought it positive, but not something I did past three days.
Safeguard wormer, 0.5% dissolved in water, following all antibiotics.
Mite spray, day one and repeated after 7 days.
Bag balm and would have begun day one, had I known.
Vitamin E oil on scrambled eggs, which fortunately, he ate aggressively and still is.
Complex B vitamin, dissolved in water, at all times, following antibiotics. ( If I were to do it over again, he would have had all vitamins, day one) I still believe the vitamins to have possibly aided him more than perhaps even the antibiotics, but of course, cannot be certain. This is merely 'observational', very close observation. But I did perceive marked improvement after vitamins and recall standing in the store aisle, thinking to myself, "I'm buying human vitamins for a chicken?"
Now, did the vitamins turn him around, or was it the final effect of the antibiotics taking effect ? That I can't answer. I lean towards the vitamin additions as indispensable though. I do not believe he would have survived to this point without the vitamines. Initially, water had to be added very slowly with a syringe. I did not learn of vitamin addition until a week later or thereabouts, where he later drink from small bowl, but with eyes still closed. Just had to be incredibly patient. And after vitamins, his eyes 'came open' over three days.
I think now, I would have foregone the Penicillin, and the Tetracycline, as that just may have been too much. But, I'll never know for sure. Nor do I know if he's out of the woods, but there is no doubt, that with eyes open and scratching for scraps in the ground, he must be somewhat better. I will continue further reports, as I recognize, someone might run into the same issues.
And I can't concern myself with my 'lengthy reports' as to how to treat these issues Jake had, since someone with a similar chicken illness, has no time. And I would suggest, that time itself had to have been critical. I don't think Jake had much more than a couple hours, as his sytem just barely responded. I mean, I don't think you can, 'wait until later'.
Jakes first meals, after onset, were only fed by holding gently under the breast, 'nudging' him 'awake',gentle 'lifts'. This would produce the effort to turn beak at feed, but with eyes fully closed, and just a few bites, then back to sleep, head hanging. Then, another 'nudge', and once he would no longer eat, he'd slump to floor of cage, out cold. It took a week for his eyes to open partially. So, anyone considering attempting to bring a chicken with Jake's symptoms 'back around', can be guaranteed a serious effort ahead. And they better know a chicken specialist named, 'Wyrop'.
And obviously this went on and on. Right now, he'll aim directly and consume an entire scrambled egg like any hungry chicken. But he has his times of weakness yet, perhaps just becomes very tired, and given what he's been through, it's probably to be expected.

Even now, I would not bet on recovery, I just hope for it. He had to have been very close.
Again, will try to get new photo and updates.

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