Day 1

At what age do I give my 11 week old buff orpington's pellets
Hi donruss1942, you can make the transition to pellets at 18 weeks or when the first egg appears, whichever is first. At 18 weeks of age, most hens will be ready to start laying eggs (a few breeds may wait a few more weeks). Switching them to Layena at 18 weeks prepares the body for egg production, and the higher calcium level may help to jump start them into production.
ok, here is what i feed my feathered family.... all whole grain that i hammer mill my self even if its not GMO free. White and red wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, peas, black sunflower seeds, regional wild bird seed, cooked rice, cooked pinto beens, figs from our 2 fig trees, cooked eggs with honey(left overs that don't sell at the farmers market). fresh green grass clippings, home made chicken bone meal, fresh boild fish carcasses from our local fish market, unsaleable fresh farm grown vegetables, cultivated onsite earth worms and grubs, eggs shells, (shrimp,crab, oyster,clam, sand crab and other crustations that are food quality. the occasional rat and snake that finds their way in to the runs, termites from the tree stubs and any other fruit or grown vegetable we have on hand, and 19% protein as needed ( more when molting.)

we sell on avg 600 chicks a year, anywhere from 50 to 1100 hens a year and well over 400 roosters for meat. we eat 96 to 147 birds a year. and avg about 5 dozen eggs that we eat a week out of the 280 eggs we get ( some days more some less but that's our avg). we have anywhere from 196 to 450 birds at any given time. we cycle out our roosters every year as well as add new hens every 2 years.

we are a small farm on a 1/4 acre each bird has 6 square feet of run space and 5 of coop space. our nesting boxes are 2x2, we have 2 adult coop and runs that support 150 birds, we have 3 breeding coop and runs to support 8 birds in each and one display coop and run for 6 birds.

we water 3x a day, feed 4.5 ounces per bird every other day (by hand) (please keep in mind all the food listed is not all the time every time but more of a collection of what we feed throughout the year adjusted according to many factors.).

Avg monthly cost $800. avg loss varies from $30 to $400 in the last 5 years we made a profit of $300 our 2nd year.

Why do we do it. well.. We feed our selves, we make end meet as best we can, we give back to the community-churches-the hungry- friends and family- food donations to many causes like the lions club and more....

not to sound like a commercial but WE ARE FARMERS IT'S WHO WE ARE.

thanks for reading.

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