Day 13 of my first quail hatch

Well, only 1 quail hatched. This has been my least successful hatch so far, and I am determined to learn from it. My thoughts:

1.) 7 of the 48 eggs were clear, the rest seemed to show some development. I know the majority of the eggs were fertile.

2.) From what I've read, people say a 40%-50% hatch rate from shipped eggs is great, so shipping may have had a big impact on this lot.

3.) Climate/Altitude change- The eggs came from Dallas, TX and were shipped up here to 8,000 ft in the cold, dry rocky mountains. I bet if nothing else the elevation change and lack of oxygen here had an effect.

4.) Styrofoam incubator- Though I've taken the time to put a fan in the incubator and buy egg turners and a digital thermometer/hygrometer, I still question if investing in a higher quality, automatic incubator might be worth it. I plan on hatching more in the future, and automatic regulation of temperature and humidity would not only make my life easier, but perhaps be more accurate.

The take away- I think that shipping eggs to such a different climate and elevation with intent to hatch is difficult. I can't find any fertile quail eggs near me, as even those being offered from my state are 2,000-3,000 feet below me in elevation. I decided instead to order day old chicks from a game farm. I found a great looking place in Oklahoma, and had to order 100 chicks to get on the list. In June I will be receiving my birds, and will begin re-establishing my flock from that stock. I will be trying this hatch again but with eggs laid by my own quail later this year. It's all such a big learning experience!
On another note, I now have a solo quail. It's lonely with a whole brooder it itself. By the time the other quail arrive, this one will be an adult. It's living inside with me right now, and I give it lots of attention as I hate to hear it peeping out of loneliness. I don't want a pet quail, but it looks like I may get one anyway... At least it's a really cute little sucker!

We watched a movie together last night. It likes to sleep on my chest under a warm hand. What am I getting into????

Here I have 19 :) This is my first time hatching/owning quail. Anyone else's quail like playing in their water? Lol, I have a very shallow dish in there (the first two days I had cotton balls in it so they wouldn't drown), and I put a water bottle on the side of their box and they quickly figured it out! :) also put a couple handfuls of feed in there every day for them to scratch/eat.
That's awesome! In the end I only have 1 for the moment, but I put in an order from a game farm for 100 day old chicks, so soon enough my quail flock will be re-established!

"Neo", as my little guy has become known, now lives with me in the office (I work from home). He does indeed like to jump into his watering dish, and he is also one hell of a climber. He is fearless and will climb up and leap off of anything, so I have to keep a sharp eye on the little squirt. It's a shame to have a lone chick to raise, as I know they are so social, but I'll just have to do what I can. He seems to enjoy sitting on my belly and listening to music
I didn't intend to have to socialize a quail, but here we go on the next surprise adventure!

Congrats on your hatch, @Kjordanov

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