Day 18: Air Cells are way too large - what can I do at hatching time?


Eggstactic for Pretty Eggs
15 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Glendale, AZ
I have 1 dozen standard size egggs I placed under 3 broodies - 3 eggs under each frizzle bantam (2) and 6 eggs under an ameraucana. I candled them at day 14 and tossed 1, but wasn't aware at that time to check the air cells. The other 11 eggs all had development.

I brought the eggs inside at day 18 to place into my incubator for hatching. After candling, I noticed the air cells on my 4 green eggs are way too large (maybe 1/3 the size of the egg?) These 4 EE eggs were under the frizzles, so after researching, I'm guessing the little chickens weren't able to keep the humidy up on the fullsize eggs?

11 of the 12 have live chicks inside and today (day 20), 2 of the EE eggs have pipped - 1 pipped about 9 hours ago and is still alive, but hasn't started zipping yet. Since the air cells are so large, will I end up needing to help them out? or..... if they made it this long, can they get themselves out with that huge air cell? If I need to help them (which I have done with 1 chick in the past), how long after pipping, before I should do something?
From what I've read, it can sometimes take 24 hours before zipping so sit tight! Sounds like you're doing a great job!

The air sacks in the eggs I've hatched this year (all blue eggs) were always 1/3 of the egg so I don't think anything is wrong.
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Thanks! That's good to hear - the first chick actually just made it out on its own, so I'm less nervous now.

The air cells in the 3 green eggs were just SO much larger than the air cells in the 7 brown eggs, that I was afraid the EEs would have trouble -- 3 out of 4 of the green egg have pipped (with 1 out) and none of the brown eggs, but we're only on Day 20, so I trust the chicks in the brown eggs will start pipping by tomorrow.
Just updating, in case anyone else concerned about large air cells finds this thread:

No - problems - 8 of my 11 eggs hatched on day 20 (4 had very large air cells) and 2 more hatched on Day 21 (today). Still waiting on the 11th and last egg - hoping it will hatch too.

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