Day 18 and I can't get humidity over 45%


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 21, 2013
Northern Victoria
Hi guys, I'm after some advice again.

i bought a Janoel Incubator off ebay, before reading that most people say they are crap :S

Anyways, I got some eggs that are already at day 17 and put them in my incubator, but i can't get the humidity up!!!

I have put in shallow containers with water to increase the amount of water surface but it still won't go up. I am using the Janoel 24 egg incubator & a ReptaHydro Hydrometer. I have put the listed amount of water in tank 1 and 2. I have the little ventilation hole closed. It is sitting at 37.5 deg and 45% humidity. It is now day 18 and I cant raise the humidity like i need to.

Try adding a wet towel on the bottom or some sponges.. That should raise the humidity. And I think you should not close the ventilation holes because they need more oxygen the last days.
I use a Janoel 10 and it is pretty easy to raise or lower humidity with it :)

Hope it helps!
A wet towel is a great idea! You could also try several small sponges. When I first had a small incubator, I used aquarium tubing and a syringe to add more humidity to some small sponges, sliding the tubing right through the air holes to do so (so I didn't have to open the incubator all the time.)

And Draga is right, you need those air holes to provide important circulation of fresh air.

Good luck!
AHH so adorable! Congratulations!!

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