Day 19 and counting


12 Years
Feb 15, 2007
Middle TN
Last night i took the eggs out of the turner and increased the humidity. Today is the 19th day and i had to tell someone so you guys get to hear how things go. This is my first incubator hatch in a long time and i am pumped. I started with 32 eggs and after candling i am down to 25 and all looked good at day 15 so i have my fingers crossed.
I have never removed the eggs from the turner before so i am a little on edge about that, especially after reading a post from the other board saying they think thier poor hatch was a result from removing the eggs from the turner. Has anyone else had any problems with this? Or do you leave them in the turner?
I hatch all of my eggs laying flat on their sides for the last 2-3 days. I have never had any problems hatching (once I got past temp & humidity issues). I would think leaving them in the turner could open the door to leg injuries and be dangerous for a little chick who is just entering the world and trying to figure out how to walk. They need level ground IMO.

I am not sure if your worry is about laying them flat or the process of taking them out and the change in temp and humidity while doing so. I always like to remind people who worry about the hatching process to look at what a hen does. She keeps her eggs on the side just like they were laid for the whole 21 days. I would think anything that replicates what a mama does could not be a bad thing. Just my humble opinion.
I guess i just kinda got a little nervous about it after reading the other post, but i agree with you and after thinking about it i don't really see how taking them out of the turner could have an effect on them other than the temp drop and humidity loss when you open the bator up. But they both return to normal levels within 10 to 15 minutes.

Day 20 and no sign of any pips as of this morning, hopefully some will have pipped by the time i get home this afternoon.
Well i have 13 chicks now on day 22, the first 4 started on day 21 and the rest of them hatched today. I lost 4 chicks that pipped and never made it any further and There is still 8 eggs left in the bator. No chirping but i can hear one(?) tapping on the shell. How long do you usually leave your eggs in the bator til you give up hope?

BTW the chicks are 5 Speckled Sussex and 8 partridge cochins, I'll try and post pics soon.
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