Day 21 and not one pip :( very sad! Update... 3 pips!!!


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
east texas
Really tried hard on this set and have some shipped eggs in there. Candled day 18 and all in lockdown looked good...movement, etc. had some fluctuations in temp with the lockdown bator on the high side but for the most part it has been pretty good. Humidity around 50% checked with flashlight this morning and not one single pip. SHould have some pipping some sign on hatch but nope nothing......ugghhhhh!
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It's way too early to be feeling disheartened. Day 21 last for 24 hours remember and they don't have little watches in there with them either! They'll come, have faith!
The last time we hatched was 2 years ago and we had pips on day 18 and 19 now they didn't hatch till the 21st day but we had pips. I just feel there should be something........I want to open bator and check them but I know I know leave it alone. Have to work today for while and kiddohas dr appt this afternoon so I will check again when we get home around 3:30. If nothing then, well I have to assume something is wrong.
Well I came home to check on bators....yes I know I am weird....and we have 3 pips!!! I can hear someone in there chirping rather loudly!!! I am still a little worried because there is a full flat of eggs (30) plus an additional 9 so not real good stats out of 39 eggs to have only 3 pipping but I am hopeful!!!
Yeah!!!! Isn't it the most awesome thing ever?
I am excited now......peeping galore!!!... amazing how in just couple hours things can change. Saw a few more pips maybe more will come soon! These eggs in the flat are very very important to us. When we lost most of our flock 2 years ago and decided to quit chickens due to predators, I rehomed to a friend what was left of our flock. The eggs in the flat are from our babies and the last remaining chickens we had rehomed 2 years ago. So they are kinda sentimental and important to us. Yea I know, only chicken people can understand
Well have 5 chicks out and fluffing, have 7 more trying to come out, had 4 fully developed dead in shell.....
all of the rest have some movement the 9 dark ones i can't see a thing......

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