Day 21 and nothing at all?(update Day 23 still nothing)


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Petaluma, Ca
Hey all. So as of yesterday at 5pm it has been a full 21 days of development. As of so far not once have I heard a pip, seen a roll of an egg or anything else that would lead me to believe there would be life soon from an egg. Is this normal? I have been trying to be good and sit on my hands and keep myself busy but there are no signs to inspire. Any thoughts?
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Give it at least one more day, sometimes they just don't get going great on the first day of incubation. At least in my experience.
I just did my first hatch at the beginning of the month. I had not a sound, pip or zip until late on day 22. I had 8 eggs in lockdown and wound up with 6 chicks. I know how you feel, I thought they were all goners. I am pretty sure that my temps ran a little low and that is why they started hatching late. Just be patient, they will come. Great hatching vibes coming your way!
My first hatch was late also! day 21 nothing at all woke up on day 22 and bam three pipped... 12 hrs later one chick came out and then when i woke up had three more in there chripping and fluffy! I know its hard but patients is definately the key even thought its like torture!
You know though, something I forgot to mention there were two temp spikes in there. One in the second week and another on lockdown day. Temps got to around 104.5 F both times. This probably changes things I'm assuming? I candled really only one day 10 and then a few others twice and everything seems to have develoved but there were gaps on both sides still. Ya think I fried them?
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Hate to double post but none the less here we are... So now it's almost 23 days and still nothing. I am begining to lose hope after not seeing anything happen. Perhaps they are still late pipers? I have heard to wait until at least 25 days so I will do so but I am loosing humidity and it seems to drop farther after trying to fill it up through the red cap hole. I digress.

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