Day 21 - first hatching & worried!

The #3 chick is still ailing. I think it is fine other than its legs do not work - he will not stand up. Is there anything that can be done or should I feed it to the snake? Husband wants to end its suffering.
I am new to all this hatching stuff. But it is day 24 here and I pitched the remaining 7 eggs (I candled and floated and nothing). The incubator was starting to smell bad.
Oh, and I forgot to ask - if you cannot move them at all after Day 18, then why is it safe for the other chicks to knock them around? Does a brooding hen keep them still later into incubation? Do other people leave their eggs in the turner at level position? I have read this somewhere, but I was concerned that the hatched chicks would get tangled up in the turner. Sorry for all the questions, just very curious!
The reason for not moving them, I think, has more to do with keeping the humidity up in the coop more so than the moving itself. I would not leave eggs in the turner as there is a chance of them getting stuck in the gaps between the racks. You were right to take them out of the turner.

The #3 chick is still ailing. I think it is fine other than its legs do not work - he will not stand up. Is there anything that can be done or should I feed it to the snake? Husband wants to end its suffering.
If its legs don't work, I would put the poor thing out of its suffering.

I am new to all this hatching stuff. But it is day 24 here and I pitched the remaining 7 eggs (I candled and floated and nothing). The incubator was starting to smell bad.
Definitely time to get rid of the eggs when the incubator starts to smell bad!

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