Day 22 and Not a Peep


May 21, 2015
Hello BYC community. Last month I constructed my own incubator from a plastic tote and since then I put five eggs in it to test the hatching capabilities of it. However, during the incubation process, there were temperature fluctuations, some being high and others low. On day 14 I candles and saw movement, and on day 18 the eggs showed up really dark as they were supposed to when candled. It is now day 22 and there is no signs of any hatching going on. I for someone reason decided not to install a window component on the incubator so I can't tell if there is any movement, but I know for sure there is no peeping. Do you think these chicks have died or is there still hope. I have never had no chicks hatch on day 21 or before, so I am new to this. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

I'm not an expert, but try holding an egg up to your ear. You might hear them tapping on the shell.

There should still be hope. I usually get early hatches, but I have ducklings hatching today that were several days later than expected.
Thanks for the reply! If I open the incubator and listen to the eggs wilt that cause shrink wrap page from the escaping humidity?
I'm not an expert, but try holding an egg up to your ear. You might hear them tapping on the shell.

There should still be hope. I usually get early hatches, but I have ducklings hatching today that were several days later than expected.
I don't think it would be a problem. It only takes a few seconds. Mother ducks and chickens sometimes leave their eggs for up fifteen minutes.
It won't hurt, I guess. I've never candled this late so I don't know if you'd even be able to see anything.
It won't hurt, I guess. I've never candled this late so I don't know if you'd even be able to see anything.
Well I checked the incubator to find a rotten egg that almost exploded. I cleaned up the residue, but I assume all other eggs are dead.
Oh. Sorry. The temperature fluctuations might have killed them. Or it might have been something else. I wouldn't give up quite yet though.

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