Day 22 what to do?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Haskell Texas
My Coop
My Coop
O Ill try to make this short. We put the eggs on lockdown day 18, Humidity is up, Are you also supposed to add a wet washcloth in addition to the humidty or just leave it alone? Ok not one pip peep or ANYTHING. When do you just call it over?
We candled on day 18 and left anything that wasnt see through. We have about 6 that are completely dark inside. My father in law said if you make chirping noises outside the Incubator the eggs will move. Well i found a Youtube video and sit that on the top played it over and over I saw no movement. Any advice? Anything would be great I am starting to get a little heartbroken...
Is it definately day 22? Lots of people make the mistake of counting from the day they put the eggs in rather than from 24 hours later.

You say your humidity is up but what is it up to? It should be around 65 to 70% and if it requires a wet cloth to achieve this, then yes but only if needed and not in contact with the eggs themselves.

I would give it til at least day 25 before giving up on your eggs.
I am new also but mine are hatching a half day early. I put them in on a Wed. night and they was pipping at day 20.5. I put 3 different loads in the 2nd ones I put in started hatching on day 20 and the last ones also on day 20 with one of them not pipping yet so I will leave the last one till 24 and see hope its a good one they all candled good and moving at day 10. I have 10 total with 9 out. Good luck
Just give it time. Day 21 for chickens is like saying 9 months for a human woman, there's leeway both sides and healthy offspring either way. If your temp and humidity are good, just wait. My broody hens have hatched chicks out as late as day 24.
OK, well I think you guys are right and I am just being an impatient first time mommy. OK a couple things though, we did lose power twice during incubation the first time was almost 1 hour, the second was almost for 3 hours. I also didn't count the the 1st day right, I didn't account for the 1st 24 hours. Also my fiancee was thinking a digital thermometer is better than the one I have in there which I have seen in countless You tube videos and Pics on here... any opinions on that. So basically this is an update still not a crack a pip or a squeak from ANY of our 13 eggs. I'm trying to keep my chin up though. Thanks for your help everyone. I don't know what I would do without this site.
I had to help my last 2 cause of the sack sticking was a good decision for me anyway they are good and health as of now. Pretty sure they would not have got out on there own the sack was really stuck to them. Hope you had good luck.

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