Day 23 - 18 eggs shipped... 0 hatched

Prairie Orca

9 Years
Jul 24, 2010
RM of Rosser, Manitoba (Canada)
Eggs were shipped halfway across Canada. Breeding group was 7 months old at time of egg collection. Silver Ameraucana.

The initial candle after resting the eggs showed a few saddled air cells but nothing else obvious to me. (First time with shipped eggs.)

Day 10 candle with a low-battery flashlight showed 5 clears. Most of the rest were not illuminating well enough to see. A few were looking good and were active. A few were iffy. One of the good ones worried me - the embryo was stuck on the air cell membrane.

Day 18 I removed 3 obvious quitters (including the air cell embryo) and started lockdown with the remaining 10, of which I was confident about 3 being on track.

Day 21 came and went. No peeps, no pips, no rocking. A whole lot of nothing.

Day 23 (today) I removed 2 and cracked them open - the one I could never see inside was clear, while one that I knew was alive going into lockdown never pipped (I opened only at the air cell end - zero movement, no internal pip, absolutely nothing). I put that one back in case it was just resting, but there's still nothing going on with that one a couple hours later. The remaining I'm not optimistic about per candling - no internal pips, no sounds, no movements. No smells thankfully.

Temperature and humidity were calibrated. Temp 99.5-100.5, humidity 40-42%, lockdown humidity 60-63%. Three manual turns per day from day one to lockdown. I've had 100% hatch rates from my own barnyard mixes with a poorly-calibrated version of this same setup.

Even though they appeared mostly fine to me on first candle, could it be that they were too roughed up from shipping?
I had shipped eggs hatch on day 23 before, so don’t worry too much.

However I generally give them until day 25 before cracking them out or tossing them. But if you do see blood rings ect, then I would toss.
I've had dozens of shipped eggs. 3 times nothing hatched. It happens, probably from being roughly shipped. Possibly from the hens poor diet, or inbreeding too much.
I always use shipped eggs when I hatch with my kindegarten class, and for 6 years we have never had them hatch before day 23! Not sure why, but I have changed my expectations.
So happy to read this because today is my hatch day and nothing is happening😫 My eggs were shipped. Trying to be patient but, can’t wait to be a chick mama🐣

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