Day 23 and 3 Unhatched Eggs


May 21, 2015
So today is day 23 of incubation, and I have three unhatched. So far I have had two chicks hatch, while the other eggs that appeared viable seem to be doing nothing. I do not hear any peeping from the incubator, and although I don't have a viewing window (I know, it was a mistake), I didn't see any movement from the eggs or pips (I thought I saw one earlier but a closer look later revealed that it was actually just a piece of debris). I am wondering if you have any recommendations for what I should do, such as float test, candle, taps on eggshell to see if the eggs are still good. Any advice or help is appreciated. Thanks!
Well, by now, I would take one out and tap on it. If there's any movement or peeping, you might help it out. You should also be able to tell a weight difference between chick-egg and rotten-egg. Chicke-eggs are lighter, I think.
Well, by now, I would take one out and tap on it. If there's any movement or peeping, you might help it out. You should also be able to tell a weight difference between chick-egg and rotten-egg. Chicke-eggs are lighter, I think.
I tried tapping but I didn't hear anything. One egg for sure seemed to be lighter compared to one of the other ones. Should I try to water candle them now?
I tried tapping but I didn't hear anything. One egg for sure seemed to be lighter compared to one of the other ones. Should I try to water candle them now?
Not sure what that is. I think maybe you should crack open the light one. I think it is dead in the shell, but better find out. Just in case, open it outside. In case I'm wrong and it's rotten. By now, it's a good idea to help a chick out.
Not sure what that is. I think maybe you should crack open the light one. I think it is dead in the shell, but better find out. Just in case, open it outside. In case I'm wrong and it's rotten. By now, it's a good idea to help a chick out.
How would you recommend doing that? Do you think I should crack and pull the shell off the membrane and see what is inside?

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