Day 23 I can see them moving in the shell when I candle them but no pips, no cheeps no rolling

I am hearing cheeps!!!!! I cannot believe it! It is a glorious sound! No movement but cheeps! Thank you again!
Three beautiful baby chicks have hatched this morning! Unbelievable! Even if that is all that hatch it's a miracle considering that they have been through. I will keep you posted. Again many thanks! Because of all the information on this website & forums I know what to do!
That is AMAZING news!!! I am so happy for you!!! You're right that it's a hatching miracle -- especially since they're so late. Congratulations on a job very well done!

congrats! and that just shows you how hens are able to keep their eggs warm even during the cold temperatures and in your case a snow storm :p They are very good at keeping them safe and warm from anything.

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