Day 24 final tally


In the Brooder
Feb 7, 2016
I started with 36 eggs, 4 didn't progress, probably no fertilization. 18 perfect chicks, 3 more with splayed legs that I'm working on, 1 that zipped halfway and died, 1 that was shrink wrapped but alive. I helped it but not sure if it will make it or not. I figured it was dead in the shell for sure so I might as well try. Humidity was 70-78% at the end and still would have died before getting out of that shell.. The others had 2 pips and the rest stink bombs. First time for me and it could have been tons worse. Thanks for all the help and encouragement.
I started with 36 eggs, 4 didn't progress, probably no fertilization. 18 perfect chicks, 3 more with splayed legs that I'm working on, 1 that zipped halfway and died, 1 that was shrink wrapped but alive. I helped it but not sure if it will make it or not. I figured it was dead in the shell for sure so I might as well try. Humidity was 70-78% at the end and still would have died before getting out of that shell.. The others had 2 pips and the rest stink bombs. First time for me and it could have been tons worse. Thanks for all the help and encouragement.
Congrats on the hatchers.
One more surprised me for a total of 23 out of 36 and 2 of the ones with splayed legs seem fine now so I'm counting that as 63% which is not bad for me considering some were apparently not fertile and it was my first time. I'm ready to go again, lol.

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