day 26 and no pip but movement


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Newalla, Oklahoma
well its day 26 and I still have no pips, but there is still movement. Has any had hatches this late? My thermometer I had was off so I got a new one and the temps have been fine every since, but that was 3 days ago I found out. My first hatch and I am really nervious at this point, any advice??
I'm in the same boat with a duck egg, but today is it's last day. I have eggs that should have been set, thinking this duck would be hatched already. If there is movement still leave it be.
still not out but they are rocking back and forth, and have been for days now. I'm getting so anxious, but I'm just checking on them from the window. Really hope to have a hatch by morning. I will keep things posted.
Any babies to report.
well its day 26 and I still have no pips, but there is still movement. Has any had hatches this late? My thermometer I had was off so I got a new one and the temps have been fine every since, but that was 3 days ago I found out. My first hatch and I am really nervious at this point, any advice??

I'm in this situation now. Wonky temps due to power out 3 times within the 21 days! I have some moving, but I'm not sure what's going to happen. It's an incubator made by my friend's husband and he had 100 percent (8) hatch without low humidity all the way- e3ven 30 percent at lock down). When my didn't hatch on day 21 or day 22, I doubled the humidity in case they were shrinkwrapped. Now is day 26. One seemed really moving a lot this morning, but nothing happened. The ones that are moving, you have to really stare at to tell it. How did yours work out? So- mine have been doomed with temp and humidity fluctuations. As long as they are moving, I'll keep trying..

I'm in this situation now. Wonky temps due to power out 3 times within the 21 days! I have some moving, but I'm not sure what's going to happen. It's an incubator made by my friend's husband and he had 100 percent (8) hatch without low humidity all the way- e3ven 30 percent at lock down). When my didn't hatch on day 21 or day 22, I doubled the humidity in case they were shrinkwrapped. Now is day 26. One seemed really moving a lot this morning, but nothing happened. The ones that are moving, you have to really stare at to tell it. How did yours work out? So- mine have been doomed with temp and humidity fluctuations. As long as they are moving, I'll keep trying..


I mean with low humidity- when he did it, it was like a dry hatch, only without humidity raised at the end.
I'm in the same situation. Day 22 And no pips. :-(. This is my second hatch. My first hatch rate was a day late and 88% hatch rate. Anyone have success after day 22 with chicks hatching?
I have never had this problem, i have only hatches 2 times, but if there is movement, and lots of it, leave them be. If 30 days go by, I would try to peel of just a very small bit of shell at the large end of the egg, the air sac. if you are on day 22, it probably just meand your temp was low by 0.5 degrees

Hope i helped!

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