day 7 duck eggs


11 Years
Jul 10, 2010
southern AL
22 runner eggs set last Wednesday am.
The kids and I went into the closet a few at a time and we candled the eggs.
At least 18 are doing great. I think 2 more are ok and 2 I'm unsure of, I'll check those ones again in a few days. Was really cool. The teachers were more excited about it than the kids, but they thought it was neat too, even if it was just being allowed in the "off limits" closet in the dark LOL
thats awesome, a few of my ducks just started to crack their shells. the suspense is killing me
One of the chicken eggs set in this morning exploded this afternoon during nap time LOL
I came back in just after it happened, so got to finish cleaning up the mess and air out the building. Got that cleaned up as quickly as possible as best as I could. Still smells like rotten egg, but not too bad. Hopefully no more do that.

Then one of the kids decided to play with the incubator and cranked up the temp. I caught it very quickly and fixed it and had it back to temp and constant before I left. Covered up the temp knob as best as I could and will try to come up with a better way to keep the few kids that will bother it out of it. We are a 1/4 way through the ducks, I don't want them messing it up now (they've not played with it before today because my great dane was at school with me and her giant kennel was in front of the incubator keeping the kids away from it.
have any of you hatched ducks before and if yes then how long does it normally take to hatch after pipping

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