Day old chick can’t walk - legs are forward *help!*


8 Years
Mar 21, 2013
Hudson, WI
I’ve had chickens for 6 years and have raised lots of chicks. Have dealt with spraddle leg before but this doesn’t appear to be the same. This bantam Cochin just hatched last night and had appeared fine in the incubator the first few hours. Then progressively “her” little legs would only go out in front of her and her wings go out to the side to catch herself. She can’t move at all this way. I tried the spraddle leg trick but this still happens. I tried to upload a video and it won’t let me from my phone. I want to help her so bad. She’s only 1 of 2 cochins I hatched :(
Hey there,

Unfortunately I myself have no experience with chicks or leg issues. However, I am currently raising ducklings. I would like to reassure you though that people who do have more experince in this area of expertise will help you very soon. This website has a very quick response time. I am sure someone will help you soon.

What I would do right now is to keep the chick warm and put the food by the chick also. This is a temporary fix for the current issue but it is also a safe fix. I would keep an eye on the chick every now and then just to make sure there isn't anything else he/she needs. So, just keep her warm and make sure he/she has food to eat and water to drink and someone will be helping you very soon. So for now just remain calm and congratulations on hatching some chicks! They will be a pleasure.


Were you able to find a fix to help the chick with the legs going forward. I have a check that has the exact same conditions and I cannot find any information online how to help it. If you have any information that would be awesome thank you so much!
Hello! Were you able to fix this chick's legs? I have one now that hatched yesterday and the legs go forward. I thought it was splayed legs so I wrapped his legs as they say to do but his legs go forward still.
I've put him in a small planter basket with a cloth for support to help it but it's not working.

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