Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

Hi, we spoke a couple of weeks ago about the auto sex pullets. You said you would be able to hold onto some if I gave you a deposit.

My question is which auto sex female breeds do you currently have left? I may just want to buy them now as long as they are out of the brooder. Thanks.

Vicki Burke
Hi, we spoke a couple of weeks ago about the auto sex pullets. You said you would be able to hold onto some if I gave you a deposit.

My question is which auto sex female breeds do you currently have left? I may just want to buy them now as long as they are out of the brooder. Thanks.

Vicki Burke
I don't really have any out of the brooder currently besides my own grow outs to replenish my stock. I do currently have a golden cuckoo marans, 3-4 legbars, I think 1-2 olive eggers and about 5 cream legbars in the 1-3 week age range.



Here's a couple pics of my roos, Bud and Buck, that are from that line. Big, amazing boys. And their girls/sisters egg with OE and Leghorn.
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May I see pics of your crested cream legbar stock. Where did you get them? Thanks

I have them from about 6 different sources at this time (GFF, Jordan Farms, another farm that first sold them that I always forget the name of, and 3 or more different individuals), although all imported by GFF. I have birds from each one of their imported lines and run my pens to created max diversity first. I will be transitioning my pens in spring to focus on the creme gene. I currently have 2 rees legbar roos and about 6-7 excellent creme colored legbar hens that will be my primary breeding pen in spring unless they bless me with some early eggs in the next month which is possible but right on the window for missing the laying season.
You have the Rees line? I'm impressed. So how much will you be selling those chicks for? I'm looking to get into cream legbars. That breed is pretty much unheard of here in Louisiana. I start selling them and I probably will be asked what I did to my Barred Rocks,lol .

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