Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

You have the Rees line? I'm impressed. So how much will you be selling those chicks for? I'm looking to get into cream legbars. That breed is pretty much unheard of here in Louisiana. I start selling them and I probably will be asked what I did to my Barred Rocks,lol .
Not sure yet. probably won't set any prices on them until spring after I have hatched a couple of batches. :)
interested in the lavender marans, if you'd please give a spot more info?
sorry, a bit slow in my response. I do have them, still a project at this point. Egg color needs work so they will need to be bred back to black coppers at least 1-2 more times to get egg color where it should be.

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