Day time predators...?


In the Brooder
Jan 4, 2019
Hi all! New to the community, but I've been using backyard as a resource for years :) Finally had an incident that would lead me to join/post... We have a flock of 18 hens, 1 rooster, that I periodically let out of their large enclosed run/coop during the day. Today, I found one of my Ameracaunas lying dead, about 20 ft away from their run. We live in northeast Ohio, near lots of woods, but the coop/run is located pretty close to our driveway. Coyotes and other predators are definitely around, but I've never known anything to attack in broad daylight. Also, my girl was not eaten. There were quite a few feathers everywhere around her and her neck/head looked to be chewed, but the body was left intact. Any thoughts as to what would do this? We have a huge neighbor cat that thinks he owns the woods; would he be a possibility since it was during the day?
Thanks all in advance, for such a wonderful community and resource!! :)
Ohio has a load of daytime predators. Hawks are the first thing that comes to mind (mine always went for neck first) but I've seen plenty of daytime coons, cats, dogs, foxes, skunks... Loads and loads of daytime animals in Ohio. Hard to tell more without a photo of the scene of the crime/injuries.

A motion-activated game camera would go a long way in IDing what you have around.
a hawk that was frightened off before he could finish or carry her off, or a dog. Dogs kill solely for sport. An electric fence with some hiding places like trees, bushes, shrubbery, or even homemade shelters will help with hawks, and the electric fence will keep most ground predators like dogs and foxes away.
Hi all! New to the community, but I've been using backyard as a resource for years :) Finally had an incident that would lead me to join/post... We have a flock of 18 hens, 1 rooster, that I periodically let out of their large enclosed run/coop during the day. Today, I found one of my Ameracaunas lying dead, about 20 ft away from their run. We live in northeast Ohio, near lots of woods, but the coop/run is located pretty close to our driveway. Coyotes and other predators are definitely around, but I've never known anything to attack in broad daylight. Also, my girl was not eaten. There were quite a few feathers everywhere around her and her neck/head looked to be chewed, but the body was left intact. Any thoughts as to what would do this? We have a huge neighbor cat that thinks he owns the woods; would he be a possibility since it was during the day?
Thanks all in advance, for such a wonderful community and resource!! :)
You can google What is killing my chickens and look at Country Side. The guy has a detailed list. If your bird was left behind and not eaten it was probably a dog. They kill for the fun of it not to eat. He talks about cats too. But I bet it was a dog. My ISAB was attacked by a dog before I got her, Former owner told me about it. The bird is missing a fair amount of feathers on the back of her neck. Will never grow back. They attack happened sometime late 2016 or early 2017. And she's missing the very back tip of her comb. No lasting effects of the attack. The area on neck is just fire red but all healed. I worry about her neck getting cold at night but doesn't seem to.
Welcome to our FUNomenal community! I’m so sorry about your sweet chicken! Bear hugs! :hugs My bet your predator was a hawk or neighborhood dog. Again, I’m so sorry.
From your description it sounds like the work of a hawk. Bottom line is that ANY predator will kill during the day if hungry enough. I have even had GHO attacks/kills on foggy or heavily overcast days. Second bottom line is that it will be back for more. Good luck.

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