Dazed and confused in Indiana


In the Brooder
Aug 31, 2017
Hi there! Hoping this community can help me out. I'm brand new to the world of chickens. Living here in far southern Indiana. My husband has just about got our coop completed and we've decided on location. We live in a very rural area. Heavily wooded, creeks, minimal neighbors but plenty of predators.
We're looking to have about 6 hens for egg production. And for me to spoil.
I've read tons of info but feel sort of overwhelmed at this point. I really am hoping for some guidance on best breeds for us and finding some pullets as I don't feel equipped to tend chicks at this time.
I look forward to learning from all of you!

What would you like in your flock? Do you want to look outside and see a bunch of chickens that all look alike? Do you want some color in your yard? Do you want white eggs, brown eggs, blue eggs...? Do you want production birds that may "burn out" within a couple of years, or maybe some heritage birds that will lay steadily for a few more years? My suggestion would be to get two or three different breeds. But I like variety. Easter Eggers are fun. You never know quite what color you're going to get until they start laying, and are pretty with their muffed faces. Buff Orpingtons are, in my opinion, a pretty bird, but tend to want to go broody. Speckled Sussex are very pretty birds. There are a lot of options out there, I'm just naming a few that I like. Oh! Welsummers! I haven't had one in a while, but they lay a pretty terra cotta colored egg....
Heavily wooded, creeks, minimal neighbors but plenty of predators.
Heavy duty the the hutch, Electric wires on the outside of the run, and make friends with your neighbors.
No such thing as over kill on security but a healthy relationship with folks close by is worth it's weight in gold.
x2 on everything @bobbi-j said. On top of which, everyone has their favorite breed so you could get 300 different answers, lol. Decide on the questions @bobbi-j asked and then go from there.
Yep! I was just throwing out a few of my favorites. There are a lot of choices out there, though. The first thing you need to do is figure out what kind of birds you want in your flock. Have fun with it! Like I said - get a few breeds. You may find you like some better than others, so when you need to replenish your flock, you'll be better able to decide what to get or not to get. There really isn't a wrong answer as to what breed of chicken to get.

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