

10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
Joelton, TN
Hi all,
We have read several threads here on de-beaking, and don't really want to resort to that. We have been trying to introduce three younger chicks into the flock for about two months, and we are still not to the point that we trust the older ones not to peck them until they are bloody. Thought they were doing ok a couple of weeks ago, and they picked all the tail feathers out of one and bloodied her butt pretty badly. We don't want to de-beak, but have thought about taking a dremel to the very tip ends of the upper beaks on them just enough to get the sharp points off. Would this be a good option or has anybody had any experience with this?
That works, but have you tried anti peck spray? I got some at a pet store in the bird section about 8 years ago and still have over half of the 4oz bottle left. Supposed to taste like sour apples. Easy to apply and works good. Spray it on the affected areas while they`re on the roost at night, or while holding the bird.

Another thought is letting them free range. Gives them lots of room to escape. Crowded pens are a hard way to go for youngsters and any older bird will resent the intrusion. Mature cocks excepted.

If you decide to debeak, make sure you don`t cut into the quick. Just enough off so the pecker can`t get a hold.....Pop
I had thought of attempting to use some spray that we have called bitter apple that you can use on dogs or things that they are chewing - does this sound like the same thing?
I start the younger birds in a wire dog crate in the coop with the big birds. I add snow fence around it so the chicks cant fit threw the holes. after a few days I remove the snow fence. Then the chicks can slip threw to go in and out. If they get picked on or the coop is crowded they go in on there own.

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