De-Worming Ducks


5 Years
Jul 25, 2018
Montgomery, NY
Hi all!

My beloved Charles Duckens seem to be coughing a little here and there. Nothing horrible but it is a new thing and being new to ducks I am not sure what it could mean. She doesn't do it while she's eating, she always has lots of fresh clean water to wet her entire duck if she feels the need (and she always feels the need).

In my reading threads on here about coughing ducks I saw a bunch of posts about de-worming ducks. Can someone give me some specifics on what schedule they should be wormed on, what type of wormer, how much and all that other good stuff? Being new to ducks I was not aware ducks should be wormed so I would love any info any of you awesome duck folks could give!

As always, THANK YOU!

Melissa & Duckens
The best way to treat all worms that a duck might have is to treat with Valbazen or Safeguard. Dosing depends on what worms you want to treat.
Should we de worm our ducks?

I’ve never done my chickens either I feel that if they are healthy why subject them to drugs .... am I wrong?
Should we de worm our ducks?

I’ve never done my chickens either I feel that if they are healthy why subject them to drugs .... am I wrong?
I don't de-worm mine unless something about them is off. In this case, one of the OP's ducks is coughing, which can be a sign of worms.

Respiratory infections can cause coughing too, so that should also be considered.
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That was actually a really good question. . . If a duck isn't coughing and is otherwise healthy do they need to be wormed? Same with chickens too, do they need it as a precaution? I'm also not one to medicate without their being a clear need.

Seriously, without you all I'd be lost on a lot of things. You can only trust google so far. THANK YOU all for your insights!
That was actually a really good question. . . If a duck isn't coughing and is otherwise healthy do they need to be wormed? Same with chickens too, do they need it as a precaution? I'm also not one to medicate without their being a clear need.

Seriously, without you all I'd be lost on a lot of things. You can only trust google so far. THANK YOU all for your insights!
In a perfect world everyone would have routine fecals done and de-worm based on fecal results. I don't de-worm my flock, but I do de-worm any bird that looks off.

Coughing, if left untreated, could be life threatening. Can you take your duck to a vet?
Coughing, if left untreated, could be life threatening. Can you take your duck to a vet?

Yes, and we will for sure if this continues on or if we see any changes in Duckens. So far it's happened a few times yesterday morning and again today. She is otherwise totally normal, happy and feisty as ever. She did her usual happy run over to see the chickens when I let them out, chased one of the dogs around the yard and quacked her head off when our other duck stole a worm from her. :) She's eating and drinking with her usual gusto making happy sounds the whole time.
Yes, and we will for sure if this continues on or if we see any changes in Duckens. So far it's happened a few times yesterday morning and again today. She is otherwise totally normal, happy and feisty as ever. She did her usual happy run over to see the chickens when I let them out, chased one of the dogs around the yard and quacked her head off when our other duck stole a worm from her. :) She's eating and drinking with her usual gusto making happy sounds the whole time.
May I suggest that you get a baseline weight on her? Coughing in most flocks is not normal, so please do keep a close eye on her.

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