dead chick:-(


8 Years
Jun 15, 2011
Easton Pennsylvania
We just got a bunch of 3 week old ameraucanas..had them about 2 weeks and found one dead, one sick. The dead one had blood around his butt..we did notice bloody poops in pen? Any idea what this is?
We just got a bunch of 3 week old ameraucanas..had them about 2 weeks and found one dead, one sick. The dead one had blood around his butt..we did notice bloody poops in pen? Any idea what this is?

Cocci....It can be very bad with chicks but easily curable if caught on need to get sulmet...or another type of coccidiostat...curad. (sp) is another one....add to their water for a course of treatment as it can wipe out all your babies...look up coccidiosis in the search engine...tons of helpful information and insight...Are your chicks outside on ground?
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